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 New way to hotswap (Edit)

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New way to hotswap (Edit) Empty
PostSubject: New way to hotswap (Edit)   New way to hotswap (Edit) EmptySun Dec 26, 2010 2:35 am

Ok, i think this works with all drives (i will confirm soon).

Ok, now to the tutorial. In this case my example will be for waw iso modding and MW2 will be my third game. You will know what i mean by that in the tut. This method is sort of like the hit Y and eject method but it works with the new dashboard (Kinect) and all drives (I think).

1. get three games. One that you do not need for the Hotswap such as MW2. Now get Your WAW regular disc and your WAW iso disc.

2. Put MW2 in your drive and let it load. then press Y and eject at the same time.

3.your screen should now be the MW2 background.

4. Put in your original WAW disc. Be very precise here! let the disc load and at the exact time that it says install game or play game EJECT IT.

5. Now hover over install game put your WAW iso disc in and tap A as hard as you can. *cough*giggity*cough*

6. It should start installing your game.

Extra notes.

If you just made a new iso disc, after you put it in hit Play game, not install game and you will be able to test it out.

Sorry if this Tutorial has already been posted and i hope this helped. I am not asking for rep but i could use some.

Thank you
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